Raumarbeit – space work, 1993




the location:
A long, segregated corridor section in a barracks complex. This complex was built in 1939 as an air force air hospital. After the war, it was used as a hospital until 1985. In 1989, various Munich associations took over the premises, including the studio association ‘Collage’ with its associated gallery FOE 156.
My aim was to let the space tell its own story without adding anything to it. I removed the wall paint that had been layered on the walls over the four years of the gallery’s existence and the gallery’s light fittings. I installed new fluorescent lamps for illumination. Under the wall paint, the old traces of the hospital and military hospital period came to light. The typical blue protective strip of the hospitals, locked pass-throughs, windows and doors became visible. The corridor could now also be seen to be closed off, on one side by a pressboard wall and on the other by a firewall. The room occupied itself. The result was a timeless state, with all the successive traces existing at the same time during the exhibition period.

» space works, works