“der Raum dazwischen – the space in between” – 2016/2018 – art on architecture

New sports hall for the Hans-und-Hilde-Coppi-Gymnasium, Berlin-Karlshorst

all fotos: Bernd Hiepe, Berlin

The foyer of the new building is an intermediate space between the schoolyard, the street and sports. It is a straight corridor with good visibility. The visually defining element in the architectural design is the red floor (a reference to the “Red Chapel” resistance group).

This prompted me to create the following design:
The aim is to create an exciting balance between the very present floor with its closed monochrome surface and the room. A playful, unlimited and colourful design with clear shades and open forms that extend beyond the boundaries of the walls and ceiling is ideal. I bring the free play in sports and in the playground, represented by figures reduced to movement and by the angled, open-plan layout of the playground, from their assigned places into the foyer, into the space that lies exactly between them.

» art in architecture, works