“divers – diverse”, 2014 – floor drawing

divers - floor drawing, Bellevue Hall, Wiesbaden, 2014
self-adhesive foil processed

During my stay in Wiesbaden on a scholarship, I explored and experienced the city, talked to residents about their relationship to their city and studied the history of architecture and the city. All of this, or rather the inner image of the city that emerged as a result, was incorporated into the design for the Bellevue Saal. There are identifiable elements, such as a railing from the façade of the building or a balcony seen from below. However, it is not a question of figuration, even if the viewer can let his associations play freely and in this way create his own relationships to the city outside and his own image of it. (from the opening speech by Angelika Horn, Frankfurt am Main, 2014)

» floor works, works